Speaker - itgrrl
itgrrl is a senior cyber unicorn 🦄 who tries to make technologies less terrible. Her experience spans technical and management domains including cyber security, systems & networks, web dev, and IT management & service delivery. In her day job, she is focused on cyber security ("risk management with computers"), information privacy, and IT policy & governance. In her spare time, she enjoys reading privacy policies & legislation (no, really! 😬), tinkering with tech, stargazing, Star Trek 🖖 & Buffy (duh), musical theatre, and the occasional unexpected journey.
If you’d like to say hi, you can find itgrrl on Mastodon: @itgrrl@infosec.exchange 🐘
- Everything Open All at Once: Just how *open* do we want *everything* to be, really? – Tuesday 11:40 a.m.–12:25 p.m. in Panorama Rooms