Presented by

  • Peter Lieverdink

    Peter Lieverdink

    Peter is a computer toucher at a large international non-government-ish organisation. He has been doing various sorts of amateur astrophotography for years and recently became a professional, after inadvertently selling a print of a photo online.


You have a camera and a tripod, or a telescope with a camera, and you want to produce beautiful deep sky images. But all you get are grey blurs or white dot stars on a beige background. In this tutorial you will find out how to optimise your data acquisition and how to use siril to process that data once you have it.

Even if you have a robotic telescope that does all the stacking and processing for you, you will learn how to use the raw data your robot produces and create much better looking results.

To participate in this tutorial you will need a relatively beefy computer with siril installed. For extra joy and pretty pictures, you will also download and install starnet++ for use with siril.

If you plan on attending, please download the sample data before Everything Open, so there is not a room full of people all fetching a 2.2GB tarball at the same time via the conference wifi.

You can choose to use your own data if you wish. Ensure you have a set of lights, darks, biases and flats.