Presented by

  • Rob Kenefeck

    Rob Kenefeck

    Rob is a Principle Consultant @ControlPlane - He likes to talk about how Security is fundamental to DevOps, how Kubernetes often isn't the best answer to your problem and his lived experience of SRE.

    Rob has been automating toil in Linux for more than 20 years, but was initially dismissive of Kubernetes when it first came along - as an adopter of containerisation with Docker and orchestrating through scripts. Since then, Rob has come to appreciate all it can do and also the limitations of it. Rob has been teaching DevOps and Kubernetes course while also helping large enterprises setup internally managed Kubernetes platforms with a product based mindset.


Delve deeper into the dark and mysterious world of Kubernetes security. Start your journey deep inside the target infrastructure, collecting flags as you exploit your position in the environment and hunt for vulnerabilities, thwarting Captain Hλ$ħ𝔍Ⱥ¢k in his quest of destruction.

Attendees will play Beginner to Intermediate scenarios to bushwhack their way through the jungle of Kubernetes security. Attendees will be hands-on to build on their core Kubernetes component knowledge and how those components can be misconfigured and compromised based on the OWASP Top 10 Kubernetes list.

Each attendee will be given access to their own Kubernetes cluster built within our bespoke sandboxed training environment. A laptop with an SSH client is required to participate.